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I'm Monica and I’m a British travel blogger.

I began travel blogging in 2009 when I left the UK to travel for two years. I bought a backpack and a one-way ticket to Australia and had the most amazing 2 years of my life as I travelled through Asia and around Oz in a battered old campervan. From the moment that ticket was booked I was hooked on travel and I've barely stopped ever since.

I'm now based in the UK and travel as much as I can. Sometimes it will be close to home in England or Wales but I still travel far and wide and I'll show you how you can too!

The Travel Hack is all about weekend breaks and affordable adventures. I love exploring new countries and cultures, getting involved with exciting activities and generally having fun. I also love the stylish side of travel and I like to stay in nice hotels and eat in stylish or unusual restaurants. I'm not always talking about 5* glamour but affordable luxury and unusual experiences.

My travel style has changed slightly as I'm now a mum to two gorgeous boys, George (3) and Joseph (2). We travel as a family as much as possible but I also enjoy the odd mum-cation, a romantic trip or a holiday with my friends.

I don't 'travel hack' in the traditional sense of collecting points but travel hacking to me is all about getting as much out of every travel experience possible. It's about travelling more, seeing more, doing more, experiencing more and getting more for your money.

If you'd like to know more, check out my frequently asked questions.


If you'd like to know even more, take a look at these features and interviews I've done:

Top 20 Urban Travel Bloggers - Holiday Lettings

Top 50 UK travel blogs - World First

Travel bloggers you should be following on Twitter - eDreams

Top 25 solo female travel bloggers to follow in 2014 - flipkey

Waiting to board with The Travel Hack -

The 10 best galleries on Instagram - Huffington Post

Our 8 Favourite Female Travel Bloggers - Cosmopolitan UK

Caribbean Special in Time Out Magazine

Live social media coverage from Barbados Time Out London

Blogs we Love Trek America

Featured on City Trip Planner

Interview on Glamorous Traveller

Blogging in Amsterdam Stena Line

10 Best Travel Galleries on Instagram Direct Line Holidays

Celebrity Cruises Destination Bloggers

Interview on The Pin the Map Project

Who's Monica Stott -

Interview on AngloItalian Follow Us! 

Shout Out Sunday: The Travel Hack Blognix

Home Sweet Home - Cookie Sound is Travelling

Featured Travel Blogger of the day - HotelsCombined

Welcome Monica Stott to the HPL team - Her Packing List

Travel Blogger Feature - 25s Travels

Low on Air - Fearful Adventurer

Meet Travel Blogger Monica Stott - yTravel Blog

Traveller's Profile - Monica Stott - Gringos Abroad

Thursday Traveller - A Dangerous Business

If you’d like to see more, here are some photos of me doing weird and wonderful things around the world...

Running down sand dunes

Halong Bay in Vietnam

Everyone loves a giant walnut

Prior to the epic drive along the Nullabor, Australia

That's why I'm not a gymnast

Climbing Mt Kinabalu (smiling through gritted teeth!)

The first fish I ever caught while living and working on Mackerel Island

Go Go Power Rangers! Excited before my first ever diving drip

Driving 'The Green Machine' around Oz

My wheels on Magnetic Island, Oz

Fave pic ever

Yes, that's a Komodo Dragon behind me!

The Three Lakes in Flores, Indonesia

Diving the USAT Liberty shipwreck in Bali

Contemplating life with a view over Phi Phi

Skydiving over Rainbow Beach, OzWhithaven BeachFull Moon party in ThailandDiving the USAT Liberty shipwreck in BaliThe Three Lakes in Flores, Indonesia


Full Moon party in Thailand

Whitehaven Beach

Create/Travel - Interview with The Travel Hack | Angloitalian Follow Us

Wednesday 6th of August 2014

[…] The Travel Hack, it feels like a million years ago that we started to read all about your travels around the world […]

Blog4Trek and win! - Road trippin' USA

Thursday 6th of March 2014

[…] The Travel Hack, Monica Stott has put together 10 tips for newbie travel bloggers […]


Friday 14th of February 2014

I just love your blog! I'm a travel addict myself and love a bit of luxury, so I really appreciate your posts. Looking forward to reading more! :)

Francis Tapon

Saturday 16th of November 2013

Finally, a well-designed travel blog! I'm redesigning mine and you provide some nice inspiration. Greetings from Africa. ;)


Sunday 24th of November 2013

Thanks Francis :) I find that ThemeForest is great if you're looking for a new theme.

Welcome to The Travel Hack | The Travel Hack

Monday 14th of January 2013

[...] About [...]