I was looking through my photos and realised that I have so many amazingly beautiful photos of birds from Borneo that I decided they needed a whole post to themselves. I've never considered myself to be much of a bird watcher or even a bird lover but I think I've been converted after I spent an hour cropping these photos and found myself in absolute awe.
I have no idea what any of these birds are called, so if you have any ideas about their names I'd appreciate it!
Monday 19th of September 2011
>Wow, the photos are great, so professional! And such a variety of pretty, colourful birds! Thanks for posting this nice photos!
Monday 11th of July 2011
>Definitely, they were amazing and were never something that interested me before I went either!
Saturday 9th of July 2011
>Wow, great photos! I've never been very interested in birds until recently. This month I'm staying near a bird sanctuary and am spending a lot of time just walking around and looking at all the different birds. These have such bright colors! I've been looking at Indonesia a lot lately, "brightly colored birds" will have to be something I add to my list of reasons to go there :)
Amanda Kendle
Sunday 22nd of May 2011
> Gorgeous photos! I'm sorry to say though that I have no idea what any of them are called. It's one of those skills I would also like to have (my dad can tell you what any bird is just from hearing it rustle a tree branch. Well, practically). One day ...