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I used an ergonomic desk chair for 2 months: Here’s what happened +FlexiSpot C7 review 

I used an ergonomic desk chair for 2 months: Here’s what happened +FlexiSpot C7 review 

The benefits of ergonomic chairs are endless but I was keen to find out if an ergonomic desk chair could really increase productivity.

Can it really be as simple as swapping your desk chair and you’ll get more work done? Surely it wouldn’t be that simple.

I’m always reading about productivity hacks and finding ways to make the most of my limited time.

I’ve worked from home for 15 years now and I’m embarrassed to say that during that time I’ve never had a proper desk chair! I’ve always made do with hard plastic chairs, dining chairs or kitchen stools.

I’m the kind of person who tends to move around the house while I work. I work for an hour at my desk before moving in the kitchen, then an hour on the sofa and I’ll finish the day at the dining table. But I realised recently I moved about so much because I was uncomfortable.

I’d been suffering from shoulder, neck and back pain and I knew I was spending way too much time hunched over my desk. 

It was time to invest in an ergonomic chair!

Ergonomic chairs claim to have health benefits and productivity benefits too so I couldn’t wait to see if I genuinely felt them.

Using an Ergonomic desk chair

The fear of not doing it sooner

A genuine fear I have is the thought, ‘I should have done that 10 years ago!’ 

I have this fear about everything from skincare to exercise routines to work projects and activities with my kids. It might sound dramatic but I can imagine myself saying this about getting an ergonomic chair. 

I can picture myself at 46 with a bad back and a sore neck saying, ‘I can’t sit and work on the sofa with my legs crossed like I used to do, I wish I looked after my back years ago!’ So here I am, taking that precaution for my future self.

I was excited to try out the FlexiSpot C7 and see if I’d notice a difference. My full review is below but first, let’s talk about the benefits of ergonomic chairs.

Ergonomic desk chair

Benefits of ergonomic chairs + did I feel them?

Improved posture

Ergonomic chairs are designed to support the natural curve of the spine, promoting better posture and reducing slouching. Adjustable features like lumbar support, seat height, and backrest angle help maintain proper alignment.

Did I feel this benefit? Absolutely!

For me, being able to adjust the seat position forwards made a massive difference. I’m fairly short and have very short legs so I often can’t sit my feet flat on the floor because they simply don’t reach. I hadn’t realised what a difference this would make because I’ve never been able to move my seat forwards before so this was an instant benefit to my posture.

I also feel that the lower back lumbar support encourages me to sit up straight. It supports my lower back but forces me to use my own back strength to sit up straight. I’m definitely sitting up nice and straight but it’s still incredibly comfortable. 

Improved posture using an Ergonomic desk chair

Reduced risk of back pain

The lumbar support and adjustable backrest in ergonomic chairs help distribute weight evenly and reduce pressure on the spine. This can alleviate and prevent lower back pain, something I’m already starting to struggle with when I’ve been sat in an uncomfortable chair for long periods of time.

I can 100% confirm that my ergonomic chair has reduced my back pain. I’m certain of this because I’ve just been sat on my sofa with my laptop and after 5 minutes my back began to hurt so I’ve come up to my desk and it’s gone instantly.

They’re more comfortable

To put it simply, ergonomic chairs are so comfortable!

Features such as adjustable armrests, seat depth, seat positioning and lower back support provide personalised comfort, reducing strain on the body and allowing for longer periods of sitting without discomfort.

Increased productivity

I was dubious about this one. Can a good chair really make you more productive? But I do think it does.

Because ergonomic chairs are more comfortable I can sit comfortably for longer, meaning I get more done. Instead of moving about the house and working in different rooms, I happily sit at my desk for the day.

They say comfort and proper support can lead to improved focus and efficiency, enabling users to maintain concentration and work more effectively. And yes, I’d say this is true.

I wouldn’t say the chair directly increases my focus. It’s more than an uncomfortable chair makes me fidgety and I want to get up and leave my desk. I don’t have that feeling with a comfortable ergonomic chair.

Reduced risk of neck and shoulder pain

I would agree with this one. I always used to feel tension in my neck and shoulders. I was that person when I went for a massage and the masseuse would scold me for being so tense! 

Apparently it’s thanks to the adjustable armrests and headrests that help support the arms and neck, reducing strain and preventing pain in these areas. Proper arm support also minimises tension in the shoulders.

Prevention of hip pressure

I haven’t felt the benefits in my hips yet. I have clicky hips that can be painful if I don’t stretch before exercising. I always thought my hip issues were more related to exercise but maybe in the long run my chair can help with this?

Ergonomic chairs have a seat with a waterfall edge design, which reduces pressure on the thighs and improves blood circulation, preventing numbness and discomfort in the hips.

Encouragement of movement

Ergonomic chairs include features like tilt mechanisms and recline options, promoting dynamic sitting. This encourages movement and shifting positions, which can reduce the risk of stiffness and improve overall comfort.

I definitely don’t take advantage of this and would never recline in my chair. I also didn’t get a root rest for my chair (the FlexiSpot C7 can come with an optional footrest for an additional £40) so I don’t lean back in it at all.

I should also add that I have a standing desk so I do a combination of sitting and standing while I work so I move outside of the chair.

does an Ergonomic desk chair increase productivity

Customization to individual needs

Ergonomic chairs are SO adjustable. When I first got my chair I was really overwhelmed with how much I could adjust it and I wasn’t sure what to do other than going up and down!

You can customise the chair to your specific body dimensions and preferences and it might take a day to find your perfect seating position. But once you’ve found it, honestly, it’s a dream!

Long-term health benefits

By promoting good posture, reducing strain on the body, and encouraging movement, ergonomic chairs contribute to long-term musculoskeletal health and can prevent chronic conditions related to poor sitting habits.

I’ve only been using my chair for two months so I can’t comment on the long-term benefits just yet. I suspect they’re the kind of benefits you don’t really notice unless you don’t have a comparison.


Ergonomic chairs are often made from high-quality materials designed to withstand prolonged use. This ensures long-term comfort and support, making them a worthwhile investment.

OK, we’ve covered the benefits of an ergonomic chair. Now let’s chat about the FlexiSpot C7.

Does an ergonomic desk chair really increase productivity?

To give you a short and simplified answer, yes!

I think an ergonomic desk chair does increase productivity because I’m happier to sit at my desk for longer. I can sit there for longer without becoming uncomfortable or fidgeting and I’m actually excited to sit down in the morning!

I think an ergonomic desk chair combined with a standing desk is the perfect combination.

Read more: Is a standing desk worth it + my review of the FlexiSpot E7

FlexiSpot C7 ergonomic desk chair review

I’ve been using the FlexiSpot C7 ergonomic desk chair for about two months now so here’s my honest review.

Flexispot c7 Ergonomic desk chair

Setting up the FlexiSpot C7

The chair comes in a large box with all the pieces you need to put together.

I’m fairly small (and not particularly strong) and I have my chair on the third floor of my house so I carried all the pieces up individually because some of them are very heavy.

I found it easy enough to put it together myself in about 20 minutes using the instruction manual and a YouTube video.

I did put the seat in the wrong direction but I quickly realised and fixed my mistake with no problem.

The only part I couldn’t do was put the wheels on. I didn’t have the strength to push them in so my boyfriend did this part for me. If you aren’t very strong and you’re alone then I’m not really sure how you’d do this bit.

I would highly recommend setting it up in the room you plan to use it because it is very heavy.

Home office set up with an Ergonomic desk chair

The most adjustable chair I’ve ever used!

The first thing I noticed was how adjustable the FlexiSpot C7 is! You can adjust everything.

It’s a little overwhelming how adjustable it is and I definitely recommend watching this YouTube video to see all the adjustments available. I hadn’t realised I could tilt the seat and tilting it forward made it much more comfortable for me.

  • It goes up and down.
  • The seat goes forwards and backwards.
  • The seat tilts forwards and backwards.
  • The arm rests go up and down and swivel at an angle.
  • You can lock it in place or allow it to flex to your movements.
  • The headrest is adjustable.

Dynamic lumbar support cushion

This is a fancy way of saying ‘lower back rest’ and, let me tell you, this is a game-changer, especially if you tend to lean forward while working. 

It’s so comfortable to have your lower back supported in a soft and flexible way. You can lock this in place or allow it to flex to your movements.

I lock it in place and find it encourages me to sit in an upright position.

The cushion supports your lower back so you can then hold yourself upright.

When I first sat down (and didn’t have it set up properly) I felt like I couldn’t lean back because the chair was too far away. But once I adjusted the seat and the back support I realised I’m not meant to lean back.

Adjustable recline range

You can set the FlexiSpot C7 to recline with you which is lovely for those moments when you want to lean back and stretch out and have a moment to relax.

You can also get the footrest with the chair. I don’t have this but it would be lovely!

Adjustable seat position

The adjustable seat position is great if you’re on the tall or short side. I’m 5 ‘3 and have particularly short legs and I often find my feet don’t reach the floor. Yes, it makes me feel like a child! But it also isn’t very comfortable and I end up sitting with my legs crossed to help one leg reach the floor.

Since discovering the adjustable seat position on the FlexiSpot C7, I’ve slid it all the way forwards and I find this so comfortable.

If you’re tall then I imagine you have similar problems in reverse so I think this would be very comfortable.

Combining my C7 ergonomic desk chair with a standing desk

For the past few years I’ve been using a FlexiSpot standing desk which I love. I’ve read all about the health benefits of a standing desk but I love the productivity benefits more. 

I alternate between standing and sitting and try to do one task standing followed by one task sitting.

This keeps me on track and stops me getting distracted, especially while I’m standing. I remind myself I can’t sit down until I’ve completed the task I’m doing and it motivates me to stay focussed!

I love the way I can wheel my desk chair out of the way and raise my desk to stand. Then easily wheel it back when I’m ready to sit back down. Admittedly, it isn’t very easy to wheel across the carpet so I couldn’t push it far but it’s easy enough to move it back and to.

5 year warranty

If you need any convincing that the FlexiSpot C7 is great quality, you’ll be pleased to know it comes with a 5 year warranty. This chair feels so sturdy and secure so I can’t imagine anything ever going wrong with it but that warranty is good for peace of mind and reassurance. 

Is the FlexiSpot C7 ergonomic desk chair worth the cost?

The chair currently costs £299.99 (reduced from £399.99) so it’s definitely an investment. 

Is it worth the cost?

It’s a personal opinion but I’d say yes. Many people spend more time sat in their desk chairs than they do on their sofas! In fact, I’m sure some people spend more time at their desk than they do in bed!

It’s so important to not only be comfortable but to support your back and encourage the correct posture while you work. We all know it’s terrible to spend the day hunched over our desks so this chair is an investment your future self will thank you for.

7 ways ergonomic chairs differ from regular office chairs

Ergonomic chairs differ from regular office chairs in several key ways, focusing primarily on enhancing comfort, support, and adjustability to promote better posture and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal issues. Here are the main differences:

  1. They’re more adjustable

With most ergonomic chairs you can adjust the seat height, seat depth, backrest angle, lumbar support, armrest height and width, and sometimes the headrest adjusts. This customization allows you to tailor the chair to your specific body dimensions and work habits.

  1. Lumbar Support

Ergonomic chairs have adjustable lumbar support to support the natural curve of the lower back, reducing strain and promoting better posture.

  1. Seat Design

Ergonomic Chairs have contoured seats with high-density foam or other supportive 

  1. Full back support

Ergonomic chairs provide continuous support from the lower back to the shoulders. The backrest often includes a tilt mechanism that allows for dynamic sitting, encouraging movement.

  1. Armrests:

Ergonomic chairs have adjustable armrests that can move up and down, and sometimes side to side, to support the arms in a neutral position and reduce strain on the shoulders and neck.

  1. Material and Build Quality

Ergonomic chairs are usually made from high-quality, breathable materials such as mesh for better ventilation and high-density foam for durability and comfort.

  1. Price

Ergonomic chairs are generally more expensive due to the advanced features, higher quality materials, and greater emphasis on health and comfort.

This item was gifted for the purpose of this review.

FlexiSpot regularly have flash sales so take a look at the FlexiSpot Deals page to see what’s currently on offer. You can find out more about the FlexiSpot C7 here.

And you can read my full review of my FlexiSpot standing desk here: Is a standing desk worth it + my review of the FlexiSpot E7