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May in my garden: My monthly garden update #3

May in my garden: My monthly garden update #3

Well these months come around quickly don’t they!

It’s not a massive update from me this month because all I can say is that I’ve planted almost everything out in the garden and it all seems to be doing pretty well! Now it’s just a waiting game to see how things grow!

If you'd like to read my previous updates, you can see them here:

March in my garden

April in my garden

Standing proudly in my completely pointless rose arch. My roses have about 4 leaves!


I did have some major casualties during the last weekend of May. I left a lot of things in my greenhouses for the weekend while we were away for four days. It was scorching hot and I’d left all the doors shut and everything fried. I lost three pepper plants and loads of cucumbers. 

I’m a bit mad at myself because, now I think about it, it was obviously going to happen! I’ve still got more than enough cucumbers but I might have to buy some more pepper plants from the garden center. 

Filling my second raised bed with rubbish compost

Despite drenching this compost, it always seems so dry and flakey

I do think I’ve had one setback this month and that was filling my second raised bed with rubbish compost. I didn’t fill both of the beds at the same time because it’s quite expensive and then the garden centre ran out of compost completely!

Sam ended up getting some compost from the builder’s merchants and it wasn’t very good. It’s so dry!

With the other bed I filled it with:

⅓ garden soil

⅓ leaf mulch

⅓ compost

I wasn’t sure if this was right but that bed is doing really well and the soil in there seems great, so if I build more beds in the future then I'll do this again.

My other raised bed is doing really well with neat rows of seedlings coming through!

Bokashi bins

I’m so pleased I’ve spent the time and effort learning about Bokashi composting because I really feel like it’s paying off - plus I love having zero kitchen waste!

I’ve buried my bokashi bins in a few random holes around the garden and I can already see that the soil there feels richer. The soil is darker and just has a really nice feel to it!

I’ve run out of places I can dig up in the garden now so I’ll bury it in buckets while my flower bed and raised beds are full of plants.

Runner beans growing on the remnants of a Bokashi bin
First strawberry!
My sunflowers did really well in this spot last year so I'm hoping for the same again!
Radish growing quickly.
My potatoes are doing well!
Peas. So many peas!
My mini greenhouses are now pretty much empty.
I love picking lettuce from the garden for dinner!
This is the base for my greenhouse. The greenhouse is coming next week!
Flowers on my cucumber plants
Mini carrots
Tomato plants! I have SO many.