I genuinely believe that everyone should write a travel blog to document your trips. One of my favourite things about blogging is reading about my past adventures and each old post brings back so many amazing memories.
You don’t need to write lengthy essays everyday or be a world-class photographer, you just need a passion and a pen. OK, and maybe a laptop and an internet connection and a camera too.
*This isn’t a post about how to make money as a travel blogger or how to quit your job and travel the world yadda yadda yadda. This is about having a love for travel and a love for blogging. If you want to make some money while you’re travelling, blogging isn’t the place for you.
Why I think you should start a travel blog
Record your memories
I don’t know about you but some of the best memories I ever make are while I’m travelling. I don’t want to forget these incredible times and my blog has become one huge memory bank.
A blog is a place to store your thoughts and memories online in a place where they can never be lost (provided you backup and regularly update!) You don’t even need to make your blog public, it can be your private online journal.
You do more
When you know that people are reading about what you’re doing you want to provide them with something exciting to read. We all love a lazy day on the beach but we’d rather read about your experience swimming with sharks, exploring a new area or discovering a hidden lagoon. Blogging makes you get up and do something that is worth writing about.
You take it all in
When you know you’ll be writing a blog post about your day you start paying attention to every little detail. You listen a little closer to your guide, you ask for names and dates, you photograph everything and you start to notice the little details that make a place special and unique.
You remember more
Writing about a place and studying your own photos helps a memory stick in your mind and you find you you’ll remember it in years to come. I find that if I don’t blog about a place I can barely remember it a few years later but writing everything down helps it to stick in my memory.
You can be a great resource
When was the last time you booked something without Googling it first? Before booking hotels, flights, tours or even visiting a whole new country I like to read as much as I can beforehand and often turn to blogs first.
When you write a blog you become a trustworthy and unbiased source of information. You may not even realise how much knowledge you have until you start blogging about it. The best thing about a blog is that your readers can contact you and ask for a recommendation or for some reassurance.
You can meet awesome bloggers
There is a huge travel blogging community who are friendly, welcoming and will share your love for travel. I’ve met some of my closest friends through travel blogging and it’s great to have people who you can chat to about travel without boring them to death. You’ll also have a network of friends who are among the most-travelled people in the world which is perfect when you’re looking for some holiday inspiration!

Blogging turns you into one of those weirdos who places your food next to a candle and takes pictures of it.
Image source: Alicia from http://mylifeuntethered.com/
You can keep your family and friends up to date with your journeys
Facebook pictures are a great way to let your friends and family know what you’re up to and reassure them (and show-off) that you’re having a great time but photos only tell part of the story. A blog is a great way to tell everyone what you’re up to in one go without sending lots of repetitive emails.
Blogging can lead to new opportunities
As I said above, it’s unlikely you’ll make your fortune through travel blogging but it can lead to other possibilities. All of the ‘real jobs’ I’ve had have been because of my travel blog. When I was a journalism student my blog helped me to stand out in a very competitive crowd and I ended up learning so much about social media that it eventually became my full-time career.
If you’re thinking about starting a travel blog but you aren’t sure how, keep your eyes peeled for the next few blogs in this travel blogging series where I’ll be sharing my tips.
Can you think of any other reasons why it’s great to have a travel blog?
Would you like to take your travel blog to the next level? I’m launching an e-course to help you become a professional blogger (or at least make a lovely little side income from your blog to fund your travel habit!) Hop on over to the Facebook group or sign up for email updates.
Friday 4th of October 2024
Nice! I loved This blog.
The Travel Hack’s guide to blogging
Tuesday 11th of April 2017
[…] Why you should write a blog […]
Sunday 3rd of May 2015
Great post.As a new blogger i have found these points so useful.
10 Tips: How to set up a travel blog | The Travel Hack
Tuesday 28th of October 2014
[…] the past two weeks I’ve been sharing tips on travel blogging and explaining why I think everyone should have a travel blog. I’ve now received a few emails asking how you actually set up a blog so I’ve decided to go […]
Mums do travel
Sunday 6th of July 2014
I agree with all of your reasons - travel blogging is great! I originally started my family travel blog because I'm a journalist and it was kind of expected. I now much prefer writing my blog to writing for other publications because I'm free to write about whatever I want to. My blog has definitely led me to travel more and to try different things (within the confines of the school holidays) which is great for my kids too.
Monday 7th of July 2014
Same here. I definitely try to do more - sometimes it's so I have something interesting to blog about so it makes you much more adventurous.