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I’ve been blogging since 2009 and have so many tips to share for anyone who would like to start a blog as a creative outlet, side hussle or potential new career!

Last week I published a blog post about travel content creation and how that leads to blogging passive income (aka, the best way to earn a living ever!)  The response from you guys was amazing and I’ve had so many follow-up questions. The main question being: ‘How do you turn your passion for travel into …

Read More about 12 steps: How I turned my passion for travel into a career as a travel content creator

In this series of blogging posts I’m attempting to answer some of the questions I’m asked as a full-time blogger and freelancer. I’m often approached by people who have begun to earn a small side income through blogging and freelance work and want to know how to make the leap and do this full time. …

Read More about Tips to leave your job and become a full time freelancer

This post to help you work while travelling has been created in collaboration with Movavi Working from the road is the dream for many of us and being a ‘digital nomad’ is an amazing opportunity many of us can now embrace! So many companies now offer remote working, and lots of people have realised they …

Read More about Work hacks: 10 simple hacks to help you work while travelling

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to backup your iPhone without spending a fortune on iCloud storage? Today I’m sharing the simplest way to backup your iPhone. It doesn’t take hours You don’t need to pay for online storage You can access files without Wifi You can easily backup your files while …

Read More about How do I backup my iPhone? Quickly transfer photos and videos from your iPhone

Is a standing desk really worth it? Here’s my review of the FlexiSpot E7 Standing Desk and my experience using it. I’ve been intrigued by the concept of standing desks for years.  When I’m not travelling I spend a lot of time sat at my desk, probably a bit too much time sat at my …

Read More about Is a standing desk really worth it? Using the FlexiSpot E7 Standing Desk?

Over the past two weeks I’ve been sharing tips on travel blogging and explaining why I think everyone should have a travel blog. I’ve now received a few emails asking how you actually set up a blog so I’ve decided to go back to basics and share the first few technical steps on how to start …

Read More about Blogging Tips #4: How to set up a travel blog

In yesterday’s post I mentioned that I had a blogging hack to get more pageviews to old blog posts. I’m sure anyone who has been blogging for a few years has got old posts that barely get any views. Maybe they ranked well years ago or maybe they just never took off? It’s frustrating to …

Read More about My blogging hack to get more pageviews to old blog posts

Starting a blog from scratch can be a daunting process. Where do you even begin? There’s so much to do, so much to learn and so many people offering conflicting advice. When I first began blogging there weren’t as many bloggers on the block so I didn’t have as many people to compare myself to. …

Read More about 5 tips for starting a blog from scratch

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to improve your blog? Or maybe start a blog from scratch? If it is, you’re definitely not alone! Many of us want to revamp and re-energise our blogs in the new year so I’ve put together a list of blogging workshops and e-courses to help. Even if you’re …

Read More about Blogging e-courses, books and workshops for a better blog

On Saturday I attended Nuffnang’s blogger’s workshop at CitizenM hotel in London. I’ve written about a few different blogging conferences and workshops such as Cybher, Traverse, Blogstock and Food Blogger Connect. I love going to blogging workshops mainly because I love being able to meet new bloggers, no matter what blogger category they fall into. …

Read More about Nuffnang Blogger’s Workshop: Useful + Beautiful

“A blogging…festival?” I can hear the cogs whirring already. “A blogging festival? What on earth is a blogging festival?” Well my friends, this weekend I was speaking at Blogstock, the world’s first blogging festival, and I can tell you that it was flipping marvelous. There are lots of conferences set up for bloggers from all …

Read More about #Blogstock Blogging Festival and how bloggers can work with travel brands and PRs

If you were following any of my social media updates this weekend you will have seen that I was speaking at Food Blogger Connect. Food Blogger Connect, or FBC, is the world’s leading international food blogging conference and brings together bloggers and people from the foodie industry. I’m a huge fan of blogging conferences as …

Read More about Highlights from Food Blogger Connect conference

Whenever I tell people I’m a full-time travel blogger I’m inevitably met by a quizzical frown and the question, ‘So…errrr…what do you actually do?’ I don’t mind the questions because it is such a new profession and sometimes I feel like I don’t quite understand it myself. Each travel blogger works in a completely different …

Read More about A week in the life of a travel blogger

I follow lots of bloggers who write monthly income reports for their blogs and I love seeing them. It’s partly nosiness but partly a great chance to learn from others and see where their blogging income is coming from. Blogging is so new and we all work so differently, but it’s really interesting to see …

Read More about October on The Travel Hack – My monthly blogging income report

I’m writing this post sat in Montana Airport. I have a short layover before I fly to Minnesota for a 7 day trip exploring some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. I had the usual grilling with US security as they questioned me about why I’m visiting the US. I usually lie and …

Read More about Making a living with the best job in the world

Sign up here to receive updates about my 12-week blogger e-course Last weekend I had the honour of speaking at Blogstock, the world’s only blogging festival. It’s a mixture between a blogging conference, with talks and workshops to help improve your blogging skills, and an actual festival with tents and live music and great food …

Read More about How to be a 6-figure blogger – Part 1

Sign up here to receive updates about my 12-week blogger e-course   One of the hardest things about travel blogging is that you’re so busy travelling you don’t have time to blog. You may notice a lot of the full time travel bloggers travel very slowly and will schedule in a couple of days each …

Read More about How to keep up with your travel blog while you’re travelling

I genuinely believe that everyone should write a travel blog to document your trips. One of my favourite things about blogging is reading about my past adventures and each old post brings back so many amazing memories. You don’t need to write lengthy essays everyday or be a world-class photographer, you just need a passion …

Read More about Blogging Tips #1: Why you should write a travel blog

Sign up here to receive updates about my 12-week blogger e-course It wasn’t long ago that I was calling myself a ‘freelancer’ and I’d correct anyone who referred to me as a ‘full time blogger’. When I first quit my job to work for myself the majority of my income came from freelancing copywriting and …

Read More about 20 truths about being a full time blogger

I think we can all agree that 2020 was an absolute shitter of a year and we’re all sat at home optimistically hoping for bigger and better things for 2021.  I wrote a blog post this time last year, ‘20 things I want to do in 2020‘, and I actually did do most of them! …

Read More about My plans, goals, hopes and dreams for 2021 and the most important thing 2020 taught me

A few weeks ago I was incredibly honoured and excited to be invited to Google HQ in London. I was asked to speak on a panel focusing on the opportunities and challenges for travel brands. When on Earth did this happen? When did I become the kind of person to speak on panels? But apparently …

Read More about That time I spoke at Google + why brands should work with travel bloggers