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Here's a random assortment of the questions I'm frequently asked. If you still have a burning question after reading through these then please get in touch.

Where have you been?

  • Hong Kong
  • Thailand
  • Cambodia
  • Vietnam
  • Laos
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Australia
  • Tunisia
  • Jamaica
  • France
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • Sweden
  • Morocco
  • USA
  • Canada
  • Portugal
  • Italy
  • Copenhagen
  • Russia
  • Andorra
  • South Africa
  • The Gambia
  • India
  • Norway
  • Iceland
  • USA
  • Germany
  • Barbados
  • Dominica
  • St Kitts
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Slovenia

What is travel hacking?

Travel hacking usually refers to collecting points from credit cards and loyalty schemes when you spend money. These points can then be transferred and used to buy flights and hotels.

Travel hacking to me is slightly different. My version of travel hacking is making travel easier, making your money go further while you travel and making the time to travel more.

Which is your favourite country?

This is such a hard one because I love different places for different things. If I want a beach holiday, my favourite place is Thailand. Thailand is an amazingly beautiful country and I love the food, the people, all the activities and the adventure.

For a city break I love Venice and for an unusual holiday I’d always recommend Morocco.

How often do you travel?

I usually travel twice a month. I tend to take one blog trip which will be organized by a tourism board, a hotel or an airline. The second trip will be with my boyfriend or friends and organized by myself.

What camera do you use?

I use a couple of different cameras depending on what I’m doing. At the minute, I’m mainly using a camera phone, the Nokia 1020. The camera on this phone is brilliant but I also love the ease of not having to carry a big camera around.

I use a Nikon D3100 when I want to get the best photos possible – particularly if I know I’ll want to print them out.

I also have a Sony NEX-3. This is pretty old now but I still love it. It’s small but takes great photos and has interchangeable lenses. It’s the perfect handbag camera.

I use a GoPro 3 whenever I’m doing something active.

Are you a full-time blogger?

In a way I am. I work for myself as a social media consultant and I use my blog as a portfolio to find new clients. My blog makes very little money but without it I wouldn’t have any work, which is why I put lots of time and effort into it. The more my blog grows, the more my freelance work grows.

What is a social media consultant and how did you get into it?

After working in social media for four years I found I was constantly being asked by businesses and bloggers for tips on how to use their social media most effectively. It took a few years to build up a base of clients but eventually I left my job to teach people how to use their social media channels.

Sometimes I’m giving classes and holding workshops to teach people and sometimes I put together strategies for them to put into place. A lot of the time I manage businesses social media accounts for them.

I’d like to freelance like this, do you have any tips?

First of all you need to know your stuff and have plenty of experience. I wouldn’t recommend leaving your job until you have enough clients to support you and have plenty of savings!

What’s your no.1 social media tip?

The more active you are, the more followers you will have. Simples.

How did you begin blogging?

I started blogging in 2009 when I left the UK to travel for two years. At the time I was working at my local newspaper while I was training to be a journalist. They asked me to blog about my adventures on their website and the rest is history!

I worked hard on my blog while I was travelling because I intended to use it as a portfolio to find jobs in journalism when I returned home. I had no idea that my blog would turn into my fulltime job!

I’d like to start a blog, do you have any tips?

My number one tip is to just start blogging! Lots of people get hung up on the technicalities around blogging but you really just need to start writing and taking photos and sharing them with the world.

I’ve written a series of travel blogging tips which I’m constantly adding to. Hopefully this will help!

I’m a brand and I’d like to work with you. How can I get in touch?

Feel free to email me: [email protected]

I really want to travel, do you think I should?


I get asked this question all the time from people looking for a bit of reassurance. My answer is always yes. I’m a firm believer that you regret the things you don’t do the most.

Make sure you always have enough money in your bank account so if you aren’t enjoying yourself you can jump straight on the first flight home. I can guarantee that you won’t want to do this but it feels better to have the option.

What’s your number 1 travel tip?

I have two travel tips.

  1. You don’t need to pack anywhere near as much as you think. You can buy almost everything in any country so leave all those ‘just in case’ items at home.
  2. Travel isn’t nearly as scary as you think. People are the same all over the world and even if you don’t speak the same language someone will always help you when you’re in need.

You're having a baby, what will you do about travelling and blogging?

This is a long answer so I've written an entire post about it! I'm pregnant | FAQs and plans for the future.

I still have some questions, can I send you an email?

Of course. Please email me with any questions at [email protected]


Tuesday 17th of May 2022

I am just starting off my travel blogging website; do you have any tips for people who are just starting travel blogging websites?


Wednesday 18th of May 2022

Hi Nupur, I have lots of tips here -