Update: Unfortunately I was unable to take part in the Ironman as I'm having a baby. ******* You know when you agree to do something and then a few months later you think, ‘What the hell was I thinking? I can't do that!’ Yea, that’s what happened with the Ironman. I was invited to take …
Health & Fitness
This time last year I was training for the Virgin Active Triathlon in London and this year I’m training for the run section of an Ironman in Austria. Argh! I may only be doing the run but I was originally doing the entire thing so I’m still training as though it’s a full Ironman. This …
I don’t know about you but one of my favourite things about travelling is trying new food and eating in gorgeous restaurants. The only problem is that it doesn’t take long before I’m feeling the affects of 3-course meals and boozy lunches around my middle. Cue massive sad face. I’m not even going to pretend …
Have you ever said something and then the second the words have left your mouth you want to suck them back in and pretend they never happened? Imagine if you could just breathe them back in with a huge gasp of air. That would be good. That would get me out of a lot of …
Two weeks into the New Year and my resolution to get fit and healthy was already waning. Why do we set ourselves resolutions at the hardest time of the year? Throughout December my body had been holding on to all those Christmas puds as though we were going into hibernation, so it was more than …
At 6.30am I sleepily stumbled up the stairs and onto the roof of my hotel in Khajuraho for my early morning yoga session. India is such a chaotic place so it was eerie but beautiful to see the town when the streets were silent, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, there was no tinny …
If there’s one thing that keeps me motivated to exercise, it’s having a sexy gym kit. I know it shouldn’t matter. I’m working out to get sweaty and, let’s face it, I’m rarely in my gym kit for more than an hour but having a kit that looks good and feels good really motivates me …
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic 2013, enjoyed the New Year celebrations and you’re now looking forward to a fresh start in 2014. For my New Year’s resolutions this year I want to find the perfect balance between travel, work and spending time with friends and family. And, like most …
Did anyone else have grand plans to start a fitness regime in preparation for their summer holiday? I’d planned to start mine in May…then I pushed it back to June…then July…and now my summer holiday is just six weeks away and I’m in desperate need of a kick up the bum. (I have a …
I went on a yoga, Pilates and detox retreat on the gorgeous island of Fuerteventura to chill out and have a peaceful, healthy week in the sun. I knew I’d come home feeling re-energised but I hadn’t thought that I would learn so much while I was away. I learned about my body, my health and …
I’m writing this with an aching back and sore legs and the kind of exhaustion I haven’t felt since I was a kid because yesterday I did the London triathlon! Anyone who has taken part in any kind of sporting event will know how incredible that feeling is when you cross the finish line and …