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Driving around Australia in a campervan sounds like a romantic dream come true doesn’t it? Well it pretty much was which is why I’ve finally got round to sharing my experience. I spent nearly 18 months in Australia with my then boyfriend. We worked for 8 of those months and travelled in a campervan for …

Read More about The Great Australian Road Trip: An itinerary for travelling all the way around Australia

Living in a campervan in Australia is either your idea of heaven or your idea of hell. If you’re on the heaven side of the camp you’ll be thinking about the freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you want. You’ll be imagining camping on beaches and gathering around a campfire while drinking beers under …

Read More about 8 essential tips to survive living in a campervan in Australia…for a year!

It may be a few years ago now but my favourite travel experience is from my time travelling around Australia in a campervan. Nothing beats the freedom of a campervan, especially in such a huge and beautiful country like Australia. Every time I think about that battered old, green campervan I get a little tingle of excitement …

Read More about Travelling around Australia in a campervan | My FAQs

Today’s blog post is coming from Australia and is in collaboration with Tastes of the Hunter Wine Tours. Suzanne Sheldon shares all of her insider tips about Hunter Valley wine tours!  If you’re looking for a Hunter Valley wine tour and you’re not sure which one to choose then Suzanne has some great tips to …

Read More about Hunter Valley Wine Tours: Finding the perfect Hunter Valley tour for you

I’m typing this sitting on a flight to Perth, a five-hour long haul to Western Australia, as we leave the East Coast of Australia. It’s starting to sink in that it’s over, we’ve finished our once in a lifetime trip and I have the overwhelming urge to turn around and start it all over again. …

Read More about 10 reasons you should drop everything and visit the East Coast of Australia

  If you go back to our first post on The Travel Hack, one of our travel hacks when travelling in Australia is volunteering. You get the best experiences with a twist, and we have to practice what we preach, right? So off we went to volunteer with gorgeous Australian animals at Cooberrie Park… About Cooberrie Park Cooberrie park is a …

Read More about Volunteering with Australian Animals at Cooberrie Park

  The version of Sydney that you see as a tourist is wonderful, it’s a vibrant city on water which comes to life when the blazing sun sets past the sky scrapers. The Sydney Opera House is as stunning as you would expect, the views from the Sydney Harbour Bridge are outstanding, and the beaches, …

Read More about 10 things you need to know to fall in love with the real Sydney

  Aside from a delicious cup of tea (because we are British), there is nothing better than capping off a sun filled day with a crisp glass of wine. Todays choice is a Riesling from Clare Valley, South Australia. It’s refreshing with a hint of grapefruit, guava and pear taste noting a delightfully fresh orange …

Read More about Wine tasting in Australia: If you walk a mile in our shoes, you’ll end up in a wine bar…

Well hello – it’s nice to e-meet you all & such a pleasure to be here as a new TTH contributor. I’m Mollie and if you read my introduction here on TTH you’ll already know that I am a keen wanderer in search of life in it’s purest moments. Over Christmas I backpacked around Australia …

Read More about 8 Spots of Serenity on the East Coast of Australia

Sunset Sunday is in dedication to all the beautiful sunsets around the world. Sometimes we’re so busy that we don’t get the chance to really appreciate how gorgeous the sunset is so I’d like everyone to start noticing! Stop what you’re doing for a few moments and look at all the amazing colours of the …

Read More about Sunset Sunday: Exmouth, Western Australia

The thought of spending Christmas on Bondi Beach makes most people swoon. Imagine lazing in the sunshine, relaxing on the golden sands with a cold beer as you open your Christmas goodies. Sure, the good old fashioned turkey dinner may have to be replaced by an Aussie barbecue but that’s something we can get over. …

Read More about Christmas on Bondi Beach and why it was such a disappointment

Sunset Sunday is in dedication to all the beautiful sunsets around the world. Sometimes we’re so busy that we don’t get the chance to really appreciate how gorgeous the sunset is so I’d like everyone to start noticing! Stop what you’re doing for a few moments and look at all the amazing colours of the …

Read More about Sunset Sunday: Camels on 80 mile beach, WA.