Is there anywhere better than London in the summer? When I first moved to the UK’s capital from Australia I wondered why locals were so excited for summer, but after spending a winter in the city I was soon following flocks of Londoners as they sought outdoor spaces to spend the warmer months in. Now I …
One of the things I love most about living in London is the sheer size of the city. Not only is it huge but there is so much to do. After living here for two years I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface and I’m not sure I ever will. For every restaurant, exhibition, …
After living in London for two years there are still countless things on my to-do list. There are hundreds of places I've never been, sites I haven't seen, bars I haven't drank in and restaurants I haven't eaten in. Yes, London is a hustling,bustling, non-stop city with more things to do, see, and visit than …
A few weeks ago I finally had the chance to tick something off my London Bucket List that has been lingering at the top for years. But the weird thing was, I didn’t actually know what I was doing. I’d been invited out for a ‘surprise night’ by the guys behind the Adventure Taxi. …
Before anyone gets all excited and starts skimming this post for baby news, I'm not pregnant! That isn't my big news! Any observant readers out there will realise that I've been pretty lazy about blogging recently. If any of you were wondering what's going on then I can assure you that I've been anything but …
It’s hard to believe that one of the biggest cities in the world doesn’t have an extensive 24-hour transport service. You can feel a little like Cinderella if you’re out past midnight in London, except instead of your carriage turning into a pumpkin you’ll just have to pay an arm and a leg for …
Remember that scene in Hugh Grant’s failing travel bookshop, when Julia Roberts tells him that she’s ‘just a girl standing in front of a boy, telling him that she loves him’? It was this film, named after and set in Notting Hill, that brought a small area in West London into the world spotlight …
There is a level of tranquillity in a hotel that you can never achieve in your own home. At home there is always washing to be done, projects to work on, food to be cooked, a dog to be walked and rooms to be cleaned. But in a hotel you have none of that. Hotels …
“I can’t believe I made that! Look, look, I made that!” I was beaming with pride like a child who had just painted their first picture. I looked around at my fellow bloggers who had mixed expressions. Some were smiling fondly at their California rolls like proud parents while others looked completely bewildered as their …
Eating in the home of a perfect stranger is probably up there with the top 'worst-nightmare' situations for the majority of Brits. Dinner parties are awkward enough but dinner parties where everyone is a stranger takes it to a whole new level. I’m always telling myself that life is about trying new things so when …
London: A foodie adventure through East London with Eating London Food Tours They say the best way to get to know a country is through its food. Seeing how people eat and learning about the history of their food gives you a whole new insight into a country or city that you will never learn …
What is Secret Cinema? This was the first question I was aksed whenever I excitedly recounted my night at one of London’s best kept secrets. And with so many social savvy Londoners, it really is hard to keep a secret in this city. “Well…” I begin awkwardly, wondering where the hell to start. “It’s…well…it’s a …
I’d like to begin by thanking the person who came up with the idea of outdoor cinemas. You are an absolute genius. You would think that sitting outside, usually in the cold, on the hard ground while trying to watch a film with 200 other people would be a terrible idea. If the sun isn’t …
Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire Night as we now call it, is one of those really weird British traditions that makes no sense to any other nation than our own. So, what is Bonfire Night? In a nutshell, Bonfire Night occurs on the 5th of November and every community wrecks a patch of their park …
As many of you are now aware, on Saturday I moved to London! All the way from the quiet solitude of Wales to The Big Smoke. So why did I move and why so suddenly? After returning from travelling 6 months ago I moved back into my family home in North Wales. Life was comfortable, …