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Khao Sok National Park is one of my favourite places in Thailand and that’s saying something when you consider the fact that Thailand is my favourite country in the world. It’s a reserve in Surat Thani, southern Thailand, and has some of the country’s best preserved jungles and wildlife. A huge artificial lake was created …

Read More about Floating River Huts in Thailand

When going on safari, the thing that everyone is itching to see is the big 5. These are: Lions Leopards Elephants Buffalos Rhinos They’re named ‘the big five’ because early hunters regarded them as the most dangerous animals to hunt. While I was in South Africa I spent three days staying at Thornhill Safari Lodge …

Read More about Spotting the Big 5 in South Africa

At first, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to visit an animal rehabilitation centre in South Africa. It was promoted on the fact that you get to pet a cheetah and after visiting Tiger Temple in Bangkok, where you get to pet tigers until your heart is content, I’m really not sure how I feel …

Read More about Petting Cheetahs at Moholoholo Rehabilitation Park in South Africa

Have you ever driven into a village where more than 50 people chase your car along the dusky track while singing and chanting, ‘welcome, welcome, welcome’? Where the women were dancing with more energy than an aerobics instructor while banging drums and buckets to give rhythm and noise to the chant. They slapped the car …

Read More about A friendly welcome and a Kumpo dance in The Gambia

Say ‘community project’ or ‘charity project’ to anyone in the Western world and they’re instantly weary. It’s sad but true that Charity projects are viewed with suspicion and everyone has begun to question how much good they’re really doing. I visited a project in India that was aiming to provide work for women but while …

Read More about Community Projects in The Gambia

As a self-confessed travel addict I love travelling everywhere whether it be to Scotland, Spain, Sweden or South Africa (I’m also a self-confessed alliteration addict). If you’re reading this blog I’m guessing you also have a passion for travel and probably feel the same. Everything from the excitement of planning and packing, the journey, the …

Read More about I’m going to The Gambia!

The High Atlas Mountains still sound like a mythical place to me. It’s a place where wizards live in crumbling castles perched on the edge of a rocky ledge and magical creatures live among the trees. There are crystal clear streams that slip down the mountains and pool at the bottom where wild horses, goats …

Read More about A photo journey through the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco

I have loved our time in Singapore, a city of such lovely contrasts. A city where East meets West and mingles together with perfect ease. The contrasts begin as soon as you get on the train; first stop Tenah Merah and then you come to names that I’m more than familiar with like Town Hall, …

Read More about Singapore Sights

The Thai government announced last week that it will be cracking down on drug use and targeting backpacker areas such as Koh Phangan and Koh Samui. Drugs such as ecstasy and cannabis can be found in abundance at the infamous Full Moon Parties but the Thai police have warned there will be harsh punishments for anyone caught with drugs. We spoke to …

Read More about Backpacker True Story: Getting Caught with Drugs on a Gap Year in Thailand

While travelling, you don’t always get much choice about where you stay. Hence this place…. We arrived in Moni, Flores at 8pm. It was dark, we were tired and could find no other accomodation within walking distance. We were being hassled by about 15 guys on scooters who wanted to take us to their ‘friend’s, uncle’s, …

Read More about Slumming it in Flores

I am officially a yoga goddess. Well, nearly… I signed up for 10 classes at The Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali. Yoga is something that has always interested me but I’ve always been a bit scared to try a class. I’m about as flexible as a wooden ruler and didn’t fancy being the one at …

Read More about The Yoga Barn

We went to bed like excitable children on Christmas Eve, strangely enjoying the anxious energy that flowed through the hotel. But it wasn’t Father Christmas who was visiting that night. There had been rumours, whisperings, murmurs about the special someone that was coming. It was someone powerful. Someone we should fear. Hushed conversations and strange …

Read More about Typhoon Katrina