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Do you remember a few weeks ago when I asked in my weekly email if you had any travel questions you’d like me to answer on the blog? One of the first questions to come through was from Nadia and she asked how she can maintain a travel lifestyle when her long term boyfriend wants …

Read More about How to maintain a travel lifestyle when your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t want to travel

January and February are two of the most depressing months of the year. Well, it is for us Brits who are stuck with cold and miserable weather, dark evenings and unpredictable snow storms. And the summer still seems so far away… I’ve been obsessively stalking my friends and family in Australia and drooling over their …

Read More about Reasons to be happy and shake off the winter blues

Today I’d like to introduce you to a new hotel booking site, Yonderbound. I know, I know. There are so many hotel booking websites out there already, why would you consider using another? Trust me, this new one is worth taking a look at. Yonderbound is somewhere between a regular booking website and Pinterest (and …

Read More about Introducing Yonderbound: The Pinterest of the hotel booking world

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying a fabulous Christmas break and you’re all sporting pudgy Christmas bellies filled with mince pies and far too many turkey sandwiches. Today’s post is a little update and some very scary news… I think I might be an adult. I know I’m 27 years old so, technically, …

Read More about Am I a grown-up now? A sneaky peak at my new house

I usually feel sadly nostalgic at the end of the year. It’s another year gone and, even if it’s been an incredible year, there’s something sad about time passing and the years ticking by. This year I’m trying to be more positive and optimistic, which isn’t hard because I’m so flipping excited about 2015. A …

Read More about Travel highlights from 2014 on The Travel Hack

Last month I travelled to Turin in Italy for the launch of Lavazza’s latest calendar. This isn’t the kind of trip I normally take but the photos were taken by Steve McCurry and I’m a huge fan of his travel photography. I was also keen to find out more about this year’s calenadar theme, Earth Defenders. Lavazza produce a …

Read More about A trip to Turin and a sneaky peek at Lavazza’s latest calendar with Steve McCurry

I feel bad even calling this a challenge because we all know it was the best ‘challenge’ ever. World Duty Free set me the task to buy all my Christmas presents from their store in Terminal 5 (read more about my travel blogger shopping challenge here). As always, I was running a little behind schedule …

Read More about My travel blogger challenge: Christmas shopping in World Duty Free

I wish I’d be alive in the days when flying was glamorous and exciting. When people dressed up for a flight and the air stewards breezed through the cabin in a stylish waft of expensive perfume. It was a fun and fascinating time that few people had the chance to experience and this only added …

Read More about Luxury in the sky: Flying Upper Class with Virgin Atlantic

“I’ve done South America, China and India. Where have you done?’ DONE. It’s just a tiny four-letter verb. It’s just a word. It’s inoffensive and means so little so why does it wind me up so much? ‘Done’ can’t offend anyone but when it’s used in this context it makes me cringe. How the hell …

Read More about Travel rant: ‘Doing’ a country

The thought of spending Christmas on Bondi Beach makes most people swoon. Imagine lazing in the sunshine, relaxing on the golden sands with a cold beer as you open your Christmas goodies. Sure, the good old fashioned turkey dinner may have to be replaced by an Aussie barbecue but that’s something we can get over. …

Read More about Christmas on Bondi Beach and why it was such a disappointment

As a travel blogger I try to make the most out of every trip I take. I take photos of EVERYTHING, take notes of important facts, I visit every important monument or tourist hot spot, I try all the foodie delicacies and chat to all the locals for an ‘insider’s opinion’. I do everything the …

Read More about Once a Travel Blogger always a Travel Blogger?