The Thai government announced last week that it will be cracking down on drug use and targeting backpacker areas such as Koh Phangan and Koh Samui. Drugs such as ecstasy and cannabis can be found in abundance at the infamous Full Moon Parties but the Thai police have warned there will be harsh punishments for anyone caught with drugs. We spoke to …
Sunset Sunday is in dedication to all the beautiful sunsets around the world. Sometimes we’re so busy that we don’t get the chance to really appreciate how gorgeous the sunset is so I’d like everyone to start noticing! Stop what you’re doing for a few moments and look at all the amazing colours of the …
Last week I wrote about how Christmas in Sydney was a total let down and I was really disappointed. Thankfully, New Year’s Eve in the city was a million times better and possibly even the best night of my life! That’s a bold statement I know but it really was amazing. There are a couple …
While travelling, you don’t always get much choice about where you stay. Hence this place…. We arrived in Moni, Flores at 8pm. It was dark, we were tired and could find no other accomodation within walking distance. We were being hassled by about 15 guys on scooters who wanted to take us to their ‘friend’s, uncle’s, …
Lovina, northern Bali, is a fabulous place to relax and chill out. What better place to do this than at Air Panas Bajar Hot Springs? Air Panas Bajar is just 10km from the center of Lovina so all you need is a map and a scooter. Luckily, we arrived early and beat all the crowds that started …
I am officially a yoga goddess. Well, nearly… I signed up for 10 classes at The Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali. Yoga is something that has always interested me but I’ve always been a bit scared to try a class. I’m about as flexible as a wooden ruler and didn’t fancy being the one at …
We went to bed like excitable children on Christmas Eve, strangely enjoying the anxious energy that flowed through the hotel. But it wasn’t Father Christmas who was visiting that night. There had been rumours, whisperings, murmurs about the special someone that was coming. It was someone powerful. Someone we should fear. Hushed conversations and strange …
We had such a good day and were like little kids running around all day. It was exhausting but great. It was like entering a different world where fun is the primary objective of your whole life. We rode rides over and over again until we felt so sick we had to sit down. We …