This is a question I’m asked about all the time so I thought it was finally time I addressed it in a blog post! When people realise that a big part of the job for many (not all) travel bloggers and journalists is attending press trips, people always ask, ‘So what happens when you go …
It’s been 7 weeks now and I still haven’t got round to properly introducing you to my baby boy. Introducing someone to your baby for the first time is a weird thing because you really want to jump up and down and clap your hands like a seal and squeal, ‘Oh my goodness, come and …
We’re going a bit off-topic today as I’d like to share our cheap conservatory makeover! I wasn’t going to post this because the conservatory is actually the one room of the house I don’t like but, as it’s where I take many of my photos on Instagram stories, I’m often asked about the (cheap!) flooring, …
I’ve been setting myself mini challenges for each month of 2019. They’re a bit like New Year’s Resolutions but just for one month. In January, I challenged myself to not watch any TV for a whole month. That one was an epic fail but I learned a lot so it wasn’t a complete waste of …
If you’re looking for tips for being organised and getting your life in order so you can focus on all the fun stuff in life then keep reading for my 26 tips for being organised! Organisation has never been my strong point. I come from a chaotic and disorganised home (sorry mum and dad …
So you’re looking for tips on how to be more efficient? As someone who was once the least efficient person in the world but has managed to turn it around, I’m here to help and share some of my top efficiency tips! If there’s one thing every wants more of, it’s time. How often …
In 2019 I’ve decided to try something new and set myself a monthly challenge for every month of the year. I’m one of those people who wants to do everything and this is my way of doing ALL THE THINGS but focusing on one thing at a time rather than jumping in all guns blazing …
If there’s one thing that keeps me motivated to exercise, it’s having a sexy gym kit. I know it shouldn’t matter. I’m working out to get sweaty and, let’s face it, I’m rarely in my gym kit for more than an hour but having a kit that looks good and feels good really motivates me …
I’ve been away from the blogosphere for a few weeks now. Here’s why… Like all things in life, there are highs and lows, and blogging is no exception. For a few months at a time I’ll be living the dream when it comes to my travel blog. I’ll be filled with passion and inspiration and …
If you’ve never heard of Mr Brainwash before, think of him as Banksy’s younger, Frencher brother.
In January 2018 I did something new. I joined a running club. It wasn’t anything official, just myself and some mums I’d met at a local baby and toddler group and I surprised myself by absolutely loving it. It was a combination of the fresh air, the post-exercise endorphin rush and the social aspect of …
This is a tough one. As someone who shares most of their life online I’ve shared a lot about myself over the years, so I’ve been having a think about 4 things you might not know. But more importantly, 4 things you might actually care about. I could tell you that I’m pretty sure I’m …
It’s another day of Vlogmas and I’m going a bit out of order but today’s prompt is: I’m scared to tell you these three things. And just like I do with anything I’m scared about, I’ll jump straight in… (I literally do this. I was once scuba diving at night in Australia and I had …
I wasn’t going to write this post because, like every year I’ve ever written a ‘highlights from my year’ kind of post, I’ve initially thought I didn’t have enough interesting stuff to put in it! It’s funny (and also very telling about where my priorities are right now!) but when I think about my year …
It’s day 5 of Podmas and the prompt for today is: ‘I am ….. because …..’ I listened to Lucy’s answer to this in her podcast and she chose to go for, ‘I am vegan because….’ I found this quite a hard prompt because I don’t feel like I put labels on myself …
It’s just a short blog today because I want to keep up with Podmas but I’m on a press trip in Saudi Arabia and I haven’t had much downtime. I’m looking forward to sharing more from my trip to Saudi Arabia. I’m not being paid to be here and I’m under no obligation to post …
It’s day 2 of Podmas and if you missed what this is all about then I suggest you check out yesterday’s post, The best advice I’ve ever been given. But as a quick recap I’ll tell you super quickly. Podmas is really for podcasters and it was started by Lucy Lucraft who runs the podcast …
I’m doing something a little different today. I’m taking part in Podmas! The only problem is that I’m so late to the party it’s actually over and I’m not doing it right at all… What is Podmas? You may have heard me mention Lucy Lucraft’s podcast, What She Said, here before. It’s a podcast …
As you may already know, I’ve begun work full-time work as TBU’s Social Media Manager and on behalf of TBU I’m off the Ghent on Friday for a very exciting weekend. I’ll be writing about my trip here on TBU, on my own blog and also for World Travel Market. Here’s what I’ll be up …
What’s the difference between a blogger and a journalist? This question has cropped up a lot recently, particularly with the recent case of Crystal Cox, investigative blogger, who was sued $2.5 million for libel because she wasn’t protected by the same defence that journalists receive when taken to court. It’s a question I’ve been thinking …
Before anyone gets all excited and starts skimming this post for baby news, I’m not pregnant! That isn’t my big news! Any observant readers out there will realise that I’ve been pretty lazy about blogging recently. If any of you were wondering what’s going on then I can assure you that I’ve been anything but …
Here’s my review of Readly magazine app, a subscription app that allows you access to over 3,300 digital magazine titles! Calling all magazine lovers! I have a magazine app I want to tell you about and you’re going to love it. Before I begin I need to confess to an addiction. I’m a magazine addict. …
I’ve spent most of my weekend in wellies this week. Kicking up leaves, splashing in puddles, searching for conkers, making dens and squishing through mud. It’s been the best and I’m loving that my boys are at this age (2 and 3) where going for a simple walk can be so much fun. After such …
Happy weekend everyone! I’ve got another 3-day weekend this week because I’m off to Swansea today. If it’s all gone to plan, I should almost be there by the time you read this. Fingers crossed but I’m starting to realise that nothing really goes to plan when you’re travelling with an 11-week old baby. Make …
One of the best things about travelling is trying new food. I know I’m not alone in this foodie obsession because there are so many food and travel blogs popping up all over the internet. We are a nation of food fanatics and any blog that combines food and travel is a winner in my …
My dream road trip vehicle Summer is officially here and that can only mean one thing…it’s road trip season! As much as I love planes and trains, you can’t beat the feeling of whizzing through the countryside in your own car. You have to have the windows down, the wind in your hair, you favourite tunes on …
Will Peach is one of the site editors over at Gap Daemon, the gap year travel community website for backpackers and gap year travellers that I’m also working for. Breaking into the travel sector as a budding young writer or editor can be tough. Securing an internship is the first step on the ladder. But …
I’ve been studying journalism for 3 months now but I’m starting to wonder if the course will ever help me to be a travel writer? Journalism is a strange topic to study. It feels a bit like reading a text book to become a chef. Is it really something that can be taught in a …
If you’ve been following along with The Travel Hack you’ll know that I’ve partnered with Lumix and I’m a Lumix 4K photo ambassador. Many of you have been asking exactly what 4K photography is, how it works and if it’s something everyday photographers might be interested in? My big, fat answers to this is YES! …
I know, I know. This is a little different to the blog posts you normally find on The Travel Hack and I apologise in advance if this is of no interest to you. If menstrual cups and menstruation in general isn’t your thing then please do come back tomorrow when we’ll have another travel related …
It’s been more than a year now since Sam finished my blogging office, a small cabin in the garden just for me and my work. When you live in a fairly small house with two children it can be difficult to find any space just for you. The boys come in to my office from …
Thank you to everyone who has already enquired about joining The Travel Hack Team! I announced on my Instagram Stories that I’m looking to reignite things with the team and get a few new bloggers on board and I’ve been inundated with requests for more information. I launched The Travel Hack Team way back …
Do you want to know how to be present in the 21st century? How to stop checking your phone every minute. How to not be constantly scrolling through photos and videos and tweets and updates? How to have a conversation with a group of friends without someone constantly looking down, constantly taking a photo, constantly …
As a travel blogger I’m really lucky to be sent gorgeous travel related beauty products to test out. It’s great – who wouldn’t want to try out fancy new products that I’d never be able to buy myself!? But, realistically, I rarely feature them on the blog because I’d never recommend to you guys to …
‘Why?’ It’s a question I’ve been asked a lot recently. It mostly comes from George, my three-year-old son, who constantly says, ‘Why Mummy? Why?’ (Yes, it’s just as annoying as you’re imagining!) Me: You need to brush your teeth now George George: Why? Me: So your teeth are nice and clean George: Why? Me: Because …
This post is sponsored by Make Holidays Greener. It’s 2018 and I feel like most of us are getting pretty good at making environmentally conscious decisions and reducing our plastic waste. I was brought up on the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ message and, while I’m at home, it’s second nature to do everything I can to …
I sent this email out to my newsletter list last week but I thought I’d share it here too for those of you who don’t do emails/have been snowed under with GDPR emails they haven’t been able to wade through and actually read anything! The past 8 weeks have been a bit crazy. Some days …
I’ve been blogging for a long time now and my favourite thing about this crazy online world is the way The Travel Hack is basically my online travel journal and a place to store all of my precious travel memories. I often sit down at my laptop to do some work but end up reading …
I did something last week that I haven’t done for YEARS. I went to the library. And not just a pretty old library to go and ogle at the beautiful books with cracked leather covers and brown pages with that delicious old book smell. No, I went to a proper, modern library where real people …
Today’s post is a bit different because I’m chatting to Elle about her debut novel, her book deal and what it feels like to be a published author! Oh yes, if you didn’t know, Elle’s written her first book, The Guilty Wife. She’s got herself a book deal for not just one book but two …