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Going on a safari is a bucket list experience for most people. Witnessing Africa’s wild animals in real life (and not just through a lens with David Attenborough’s voiceover), falling asleep to the vibrant sounds of nature and filling your senses with the raw beauty of some of the world’s most striking and exciting wilderness …

Read More about 5 awesome safari experiences to get on your bucket list

A compilation of the best travel books – as shortlisted by Stanfords! If you made it your New Year’s Resolution to read more this year then I have some of the best travel books for you. These travel books were all shortlisted for The Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards. Yes, Stanford’s – that gorgeous store …

Read More about The 43 best travel books to read this year

I love weekend escapes. Come on, who doesn’t!? There’s nothing better than leaving the office early, pulling a little suitcase behind you and strutting out with that happy, ‘I’m taking a weekender’, swagger. This swagger is a real thing. Embrace it and get your Weekender Swagger on. It’s a swagger that lets everyone know you …

Read More about The 12 best weekend escapes

If I mention an island escape you’re probably going to be thinking of idyllic Caribbean beaches with white sands and swaying palms. Yes, these are gorgeous but don’t dismiss the islands we have on our very own doorstep here in Britain. You’d be pressed to find an array of islands anywhere in the world that are as …

Read More about 10 British Islands to get on your Weekender Bucket List

Admittedly, I am usually not one to go to the same place twice when it comes to travelling. Not because I never love anywhere enough, but because my favourite thing is to go where I have never been. There’s only one exception to my rule and that’s if I go from a new perspective. For example …

Read More about 10 reasons I love discovering Greece by boat

I’ve just returned from a family holiday to Majorca and it’s given me a taster for our future family holidays. As much as I love a ‘flop ‘n drop’ beach holiday, I can’t wait for my kids to be a little older and have a real family adventure together.  Here are some family holiday ideas …

Read More about 5 ideas for your best family holiday yet

Anyone else struggling with the January Blues? These cold, dark days seem to be never ending and spring is so far away! Due to the uncertainty of Covid restrictions I didn’t book any winter holidays this year but I sure as hell will be next year! We’ve got a lot of catching up to do …

Read More about 10 winter holiday ideas: My favourite winter holidays EVER

I’ve had a few anxious messages in my inbox this week from people who are desperate to book holidays but they don’t know where to start and they’re worried about getting ripped off. I want to be the first to say that this is totally normal right now! After spending so long staying close to …

Read More about Tips for booking a holiday in 2022: Tips, advice and how to not get ripped off 

There are 365 days in a year and 52 weekends. When you think of the year like this, it’s actually a lot of time. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be thinking it’s a lot of time to travel! That’s potentially 52 weekends away! But how often does your time slip between your fingers and you’ve …

Read More about How to travel more: Take the #Take12trips challenge

Dubai is a place that has always intrigued me but it wasn’t until recently that it made it onto my travel bucket list. Elle visited Dubai last summer and her gorgeous photos blew me away. It was the contrast between the sleek and modern and the more traditional side to the city that really caught …

Read More about 10 reasons why Dubai is on my bucket list

There was a time when I loved being a backpacker. I thought of myself like a little turtle carrying all my worldly possessions as I travelled around Asia. I could quickly pack up my life and move onto the next destination without batting an eyelid. I’m currently travelling around Europe with Citadines and it reminds …

Read More about 30 signs you’re no longer a backpacker

Today’s post comes from Hannah, the fabulous blogger behind That Adventurer. Hannah has shared some of her top tips to bring adventure into the everyday. This is the perfect read if you’re in between trips  and you need a bit of excitement and adventure in your life! Adventure. It means something different to everyone. Often, …

Read More about 5 Ways to Bring Adventure into the Everyday

When you tell people you’re a travel blogger the first thing they inevitably ask is, ‘Where’s your favourite place?’ To which we’d promptly reply, ‘How can you choose!? There are too many!’ Favourite places can depend on so many things such as the weather, who you’re with, how you’re feeling, what’s going on at work …

Read More about The Travel Hack’s Favourite Destinations…EVER!

There was a time when hotels or villas were pretty much your only option while on holiday or travelling. We all accepted this and didn’t question if there were any other options available. If you were travelling on a budget you have to stay in a hideous budget hotel and there was very little flexibility. …

Read More about Hostels, Hotels, Guesthouses, Homestays or Apartments? Which should you choose while you’re travelling?

Have you heard about the #Take12Trips Challenge? If you haven’t you can read all about #Take12Trips here but, basically, it’s a challenge to take 12 trips in a year – one for each month. These trips don’t need to be epic, life-changing experiences. They can be a weekend break just an hour from home or …

Read More about 12 places to get on your 2018 bucket list for each month of the year #Take12Trips

This topic is such a toughy but it’s something that comes up again and again. How do you make travel a priority in your life without being held back by ‘real life’. You go to school and then maybe uni. You get a job, you start your career, you buy a house, you get married, …

Read More about How to make travel a priority and realising there’s never a perfect time

Canada has got to be one of the most gorgeous countries on Earth. With breath-taking landscapes of snowy mountain peaks, glistening blue lakes and sprawling green forests, it’s the kind of place where you don’t need any ‘activities’, you can simply spend your entire trip admiring the views. The expanses of Canada are as vast …

Read More about 5 Canadian road trips to get on your bucket list

The USA is home to some of the world’s oldest and most beautiful national parks. Their epic landscapes with jaw-dropping scenery having been filling up my Pinterest boards for years. I visited my first couple of national parks in 2013 during my Trek America trip when I went to the Grand Canyon and Yosemite. I was …

Read More about 5 US National Parks you need to get on your bucket list

If you’ve never heard of Ladakh in India before then don’t worry, you’re not alone. But if you’re the kind of traveller who likes epic adventures and immersing yourself in stunning landscapes and outdoorsy activities then this is a place you’ll want to know more about. Trust me, Ladakh looks incredible and this little known …

Read More about 10 reasons you need to get Ladakh in India on your bucket list

Cheap family travel. Now there are three words you don’t find together very often. I remember the days when I could have a weekend away for under £100. I’d book a last minute flight and stay in a grimy hostel, get all my meals from a street food vendor and drink nothing but cheap beer …

Read More about The best destinations for cheap family travel in 2017

Most of us would like to travel more and the thing usually stopping us is the cost. Why does travel have to be so flipping expensive!? Well, actually, it doesn’t… I’ve been scouring Skyscanner is search of flights and deals (please tell me I’m not the only one who does this for fun!) and I …

Read More about 10 weekends breaks with flights under £50