This post has been created in collaboration with Experian. I’m currently sat in the airport waiting for my flight to Hamburg. I arrived a bit early to get some work done so, unlike the other passengers around me who are having a quick pint or a glass of wine before we fly, I’m sat …
Travel Tips
Today’s post is all about how you can have a zero-waste flight and it’s by Rebecca Burgess who is all about low-effort ways to live a low-waste lifestyle, at home and on holiday. Rebecca founded The Lather Box – a subscription box of all-natural, zero-waste toiletries – with a mission to make plastic-free showering a …
I’ve been incredibly lucky this year and I’ve ticket a major item off my bucket list; I went on safari. But I didn’t just go once, I went twice! My first was in South Africa where I spotted the Big Five within the first hour of hopping in the jeep. David Attenborough eat your heart …
It’s almost January and that only means one thing; it’s time to start planning our unique holidays, travels and adventures for the upcoming year! If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next adventure then you’ve come to the right place because I’ve got 8 unique unique experiences to try in 2019. I’m looking at …
The article originally appeared in The Hufftington Post. You can read the original article here. Many people take a gap year to ‘discover themselves’ and find out what they really want to do with their lives. Most people take a gap year to have some fun in the sun with a year of beach parties …
When I returned home after 19 months of travel, I was told by many people that I’d find it hard to ‘settle’. Everyone told me I’d have itchy feet within a couple of weeks and I’d be bored with the routine of normality. In all honesty, I was expecting to feel like this too, but …
Here’s my review of Readly magazine app, a subscription app that allows you access to over 3,300 digital magazine titles! Calling all magazine lovers! I have a magazine app I want to tell you about and you’re going to love it. Before I begin I need to confess to an addiction. I’m a magazine addict. …
Does anyone else struggle with all their online passwords? I remember being a child and the only password I needed was the one to get into my tree den. My older brother would guard the doorway with outstretched arms as though I were an intruder in disguise as a six year old girl. ‘Secret …
How would you like free nights at a fabulous and luxurious hotel like the Marriott, Phuket in Thailand? Or how about free hotel nights in Costa Rica, perfect for nature lovers, scuba divers and beach lovers alike? Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to enter a competition or spend months (possibly years!) saving …
My dream road trip vehicle Summer is officially here and that can only mean one thing…it’s road trip season! As much as I love planes and trains, you can’t beat the feeling of whizzing through the countryside in your own car. You have to have the windows down, the wind in your hair, you favourite tunes on …
Packing for Trek America can be tough because you feel like you need so much stuff – but you also need to keep your luggage light because you travel around so much. Predictably, I overpacked but learned a few Trek America packing lessons during my Westerner 2 trip. Hopefully this will make your Trek America …
After a few years of travelling I’ve finally realised that you can pack light AND pack stylishly. The first thing I have to remind myself is that no one looks stylish when they’re hot, sweaty and stressed from heaving heavy luggage. It’s all about breezing through the airport, not being weighed down and having a …
Emily Tarrier from London City Calling believes cruise holidays are for everyone, even younger travellers in their 20s and 30s. There are many misconceptions about cruise holidays, the most common being that they are only for older travellers. Well as a 25 year old who recently headed on a 7 night Mediterranean Cruise with Princess …
Here’s my downloadable pre-holiday checklist to help you stay organised while booking and organising your holiday. Holidays are one of the most exciting times of the year. We book them months in advance and then spend weeks planning them while the excited flutter in your belly builds until you’re pinging off the walls with excitement. …
Today’s post is a little bit different as I’d like to show you a really easy way to edit objects out of your photos using a very cheap app. Now before I begin, I’m not one of those bloggers who heavily edits photos. I don’t agree with changing photos so much that the place, person …
Flights are often the most expensive part of travel and most of us are after the cheapest flight deal we can find. In my previous posts about how to travel more, I recommended booking as many flights as you possibly can in January and filling up your travel calendar for the year. January is a …
Earlier this year we took our second Mark Warner holiday and we loved our second just as much as the first. Our first was a winter holiday to Tignes and our second was a summer holiday to Turkey. There were a lot of similarities between the holidays, with the obvious exception of swapping snow for …
Do you want to know how to be present in the 21st century? How to stop checking your phone every minute. How to not be constantly scrolling through photos and videos and tweets and updates? How to have a conversation with a group of friends without someone constantly looking down, constantly taking a photo, constantly …
Do you travel hack? And by ‘travel hacking’ I mean collecting points and putting them towards flights to get upgrades or even whole flights for free? Despite the name of this blog I’m very ashamed to admit that I don’t travel hack. Shock horror, I know. There are a couple of reasons why I don’t …
When most people think of India, they think of the Taj Mahal and rightly so, it is India’s most recognised monument. If you’re planning to visit India soon, then you’ll want to have a read of today’s post and it is full of my tips for visiting the Taj Mahal while you’re in the South …
The Travel Hack is all about affordable luxury so that means saving on one aspect of travel in order to splurge on another. I would love to travel in first-class luxury and dine in nothing but famous Michelin-Stared restaurants but, unfortunately, my budget doesn’t quite stretch to doing this ALL the time so I combine …
You guys all know how much I love glamping. I love being in the great outdoors whilst still having a few little luxuries that make it cosy and comfy. It’s great to stay in quirky and unique glamping pods, treehouses, yurts or safari tents but sometimes a good old fashioned tent has to do. If …
I remember a time when I travelled with nothing more than a backpack, a battered copy of a Lonely Planet I would have picked up in a hostel, a handful of clothes, a few toiletries, a tiny camera and my passport. Nothing more. It makes me feel a bit stressed just thinking about this now. …
When you’re on holiday, do you ever think about the impact your trip is having on the world? Whether you’re thinking globally in terms of air pollution or more locally and thinking about the small businesses and individuals who are affected, both positively and negatively, by your holiday. I love going on holiday and I …
I love the fact that travel photography is such an accessible hobby to us all. Even great quality cameras can be picked up second hand for a couple of hundred pounds and virtually everyone has a smartphone in their pocket at all times. We take more photos than even before and it’s only going to …
I would say the key to a successful adventure or trip away is usually in the planning beforehand. Researching and planning ensures you make the best use of your time and money, so that you aren’t faffing around when you get there and you aren’t being ripped off either. But it’s not just hotels, road …
Have you heard about the #Take12Trips Challenge? If you haven’t you can read all about #Take12Trips here but, basically, it’s a challenge to take 12 trips in a year – one for each month. These trips don’t need to be epic, life-changing experiences. They can be a weekend break just an hour from home or …
Today I’d like to introduce you to an awesome audiobook app I’m addicted to. It’s called BookBeat and is like Netflix for audiobooks and is a total game-changer for bookworms who don’t have time to read. I know I’m not the only person who’s yearly resolutions include ‘read more books’. Each year I promise myself …
When anyone asks me what my favourite travel app is I have to say Google Maps. There are times when I genuinely don’t know how I’d find anything without Google Maps! But it isn’t just great for finding out how to get from A to B, there are actually lots of other functions that can …
You want to look great while you’re travelling but you can’t really be bothered taking a billion beauty products and spending an hour each morning getting ready. Right? I hear you! Here are some of the best travel beauty hacks I’ve picked up after years of travelling. HAIR: For beachy waves without salt or heat …
I’d like you to take a minute, sit back and think about your favourite travel experiences. It’s OK, I’ll wait here while you scan your memories and really think about it. No rush. It wasn’t until I sat down to think about this that I realised that most of my best travel experiences revolve around …
This topic is such a toughy but it’s something that comes up again and again. How do you make travel a priority in your life without being held back by ‘real life’. You go to school and then maybe uni. You get a job, you start your career, you buy a house, you get married, …
We all want a gorgeous summer glow but, these days, everyone is pretty savvy and aware of the risks associated with too much sun. a lovely tan is nice, but not when it comes at the cost of premature aging, wrinkles and sunburn! I remember when the phrase, “Ooh, you’ve caught the sun!” used to …
You asked for this one – my top travel tips and travel hacks – ever! When I tell people I’m a travel blogger the inevitable questions that follow (in this exact order) are: Where’s your favourite place What’s your top travel tip How do you make money? So it’s time to answer the questions on …
I know lots of people get really nervous about their baby’s first flight. I was so scared the first time we flew with George and we only flew to the Isles of Scilly! It took less than an hour and Sam and I were prepping for it like we were flying to New Zealand with …
Did you see yesterday’s post about winning a Google Pixel Phone from EE? To celebrate EE’s recent announcement that all existing EE mobile pay monthly and pay as you go mobile customers can take their UK allowance abroad to 48 European destinations, they’ve given me a Pixel Phone by Google, featuring an amazing camera. So …
While I was travelling in Australia I spent six months working on a scuba diving island called Mackerel Island. Before this, I’d never intended to learn to scuba dive because: a) I’m a total wuss b) I’m not very good at swimming c) I’m scared of fish d) It’s expensive e) I hadn’t realised how …
If you’re dreaming of a celebrity inspired holiday but you don’t quite have the budget for multi million pound yachts, private jets, road trips in vintage cars, 6* hotels with private butlers and swanky nights out where you’ll wear your diamonds and a designer dress (because we all have diamonds and a designer dress …
Did you read Tuesday’s post? The one about the incredible new travel brand called Lintenair? Lintenair promised an amazing new way of travelling where you don’t have to queue, get an unlimited luggage weight allowance, can travel directly from city-centre to city-centre terminals throughout the UK and Europe, and can use mobile tickets with the app. …