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Dorset has always been one of Britain’s most popular holiday hotspots. The county on the south coast of the UK boasts everything from scenic countryside to sandy beaches, fairy tale castles and a famed prehistoric coastline. Durdle Door, Dorset Natural beauty is the headline act in Dorset, particularly around the coast thanks to those steep …

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If you’re looking for a weekend break in the UK that’s not far from home but feels like a million miles away from your normal routine, then I can’t recommend Northern Ireland enough! Northern Ireland is one of those places that’s so close but so far. It’s just a hop, skip and a jump across …

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Devon is one of the UK’s most popular holiday locations, and for a very good reason too.  It’s a beautiful English county known for its picturesque towns, charming villages, atmospheric harbours, and those gorgeous beaches. While Devon’s coastlines (uniquely the county has two) serve as one of the main attractions for visitors, there are also …

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Barcelona is full of hotels, so it makes sense to go for one that’s going to give you a memorable experience. And that’s where Barceló Raval comes into play. It’s a four-star hotel with unique décor, a rooftop bar and pool, and techie extras. Yep, this place is worth a visit for something out of …

Read More about 360° Rooftop Views at Barceló Raval, Barcelona

Have you ever been to Morocco? I absolutely fell in love with the country when I visited a couple of years ago. I arrived into Marrakesh and was blown away by the bustling chaos of the colourful city. I loved the sensory overload of the city with the smoky incense, the expressive haggling, the spices, …

Read More about Itinerary for a stylish weekend in Marrakesh, Morocco

I arrived in Timisoara, Romania with no pre-conceived ideas about the city so I really didn’t know what to expect. This was a new destination for me and I didn’t know anyone else who had visiting Timisoara. In fact, most people I spoke to had never heard of it! Of course, I’d searched through Google …

Read More about Things to do in Timisoara, Romania: A perfect 3 day guide

Did you see Tuesday’s post with an introduction to the French campsites, Les Castels? Check it out if you’ve never heard of Les Castels before. Les Castels are gorgeous camping grounds all around France set within the grounds of stunning chateaux’s. Last summer I travelled to France for one week and visited three Les Castels …

Read More about Travel Journal: My French road trip and camping in Europe – Part 1

When I was younger I watched hundreds of American movies and TV shows about kids going to summer camp. These idyllic summer woodland camps set next to a lake looked like the most amazing places to spend the summer and I was so upset we didn’t have them in the UK. The kids stayed in …

Read More about Staying on an all-American Dude Ranch in Montana

Are you looking for ideas about how to give a holiday as a gift!? Well you are in the right place! I have so many fun, thoughtful, exciting and easy ways to present a holiday as a gift. I’ve written lots of travel themed gift guides over the years but, realistically, the best gift you …

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Taking time out to go travelling doesn’t have to mean taking a career break. There’s plenty of ways you can see the world and still further your career at the same time. I’m of the opinion that going travelling proves initiative and a willingness to expand your horizons, but I understand when people are reluctant …

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Did you see my last posts about why I think Valencia is the perfect destination for a weekend escape? If you didn’t, check that out first! I fell head over heels in love with Valencia, Spain’s third city. I had a little longer than a weekend in Valencia but it’s the perfect city for a …

Read More about How to have a perfect weekend in Valencia: Your 3 day Valencia itinerary

I was getting really nervous about visiting the Maldives with a baby. When I told other people we were coming here with a six-month-old they all had one of two responses. It went like this… “Are you crazy!? It’s such a long flight and it isn’t very baby friendly.” Or “You’re brave. It’s such a …

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Travelling with a baby is a whole new adventure in every way possible. Navigating the airport, let alone a new destination, is an experience and with each new trip comes a whole host of learning for future ones. Before my baby came along, travelling to and from a destination could be tricky anyway! It’s taken …

Read More about The best travel hacks for travelling with a Baby

Hands up if you’ve got a long haul summer holiday coming up!? Oooh you lucky thing, I hope you’re jetting off somewhere fabulous! As your departure date gets closer I’m sure you’re going to start thinking about packing so I’m here today to share my tips. I used to be terrible at packing and would …

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You’ve made the decision you want to travel more this year. You’ve realised experiences are more important than possessions and you’ve put together a plan to start saving for your next big trip. But how are you going to decide where to actually go? Budget and time will undoubtedly play a part in the decision making process but …

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If you’re lucky and you feel well enough to travel while you’re pregnant then there is nothing stopping you travelling the world. Most airlines restrict travel after 36 weeks (for an uncomplicated single pregnancy) but until then, the world is your oyster. Today we’re sharing our pregnancy travel essentials to help you travel in stress-free …

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Earlier this year, Elle visited Ras Al Khaimah, a little-known gem in the UAE. We think you need to get Ras Al Khaimah on your bucket list before this secret destination gets on the radar of travel lovers worldwide…. Check out Southall Travel’s 5* holidays to Ras Al Khaimah for more info.  Now it’s over to …

Read More about A first-timers guide to Ras Al Khaimah

Today is Blue Monday, officially the most depressing day of the year. Just typing those words is making me feel depressed. We’re currently stuck in this miserable winter limbo where Christmas feels like so long ago and spring seems so far away. Looking out the window at those dreary grey skies and bare trees shivering …

Read More about Where to travel for the best Instagram photos

Dubai is a place that has always intrigued me but it wasn’t until recently that it made it onto my travel bucket list. Elle visited Dubai last summer and her gorgeous photos blew me away. It was the contrast between the sleek and modern and the more traditional side to the city that really caught …

Read More about 10 reasons why Dubai is on my bucket list

Hi everyone, it’s George (otherwise known as The Tiny Travel Hack) here today. My mum has asked me to write a packing post with all the things I think you should pack for a baby’s summer holiday. We know there are lots of lucky babies heading on exotic holidays this summer because you’ve been emailing …

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Woohoo, you’re going on holiday to the Maldives! You’re going to have the best time ever. You may think that all you’ll need to pack for a holiday to the Maldives would be your swimsuit and your suntan lotion. These will definitely be high on your list but there are a few extras you’ll definitely …

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Backpacking is a style of travelling where you travel on a budget, usually for a couple of months or longer, with a very loose itinerary but often without any fixed plans or schedules. Backpacking is awesome. I’m more of a flashpacker these days but my heart still lies in this carefree travel style. But I …

Read More about Backpacking with a suitcase: 10 reasons why you don’t need a backpack to go backpacking

I wrote this post after many requests from new mammas, soon-to-be mammas and people considering being mammas in the very distant future. “What’s it really like to travel with a baby?’ they’ve been asking. “Come on, tell us the truth!” So here goes, the good, the bad and the ugly when travelling with a baby …

Read More about What it’s really like to travel with a baby: The good, the bad and the ugly

If you’re the kind of person who loves their annual ski holiday and can’t imagine skipping it, but also can’t imagine how you’d cope on a ski holiday with a baby or a toddler then this is for you! We’ve just returned from a family ski holiday to Les Gets in France with our two …

Read More about How to plan a family ski holiday with a baby and a toddler